Friday 12 April 2013

Photo Shoot Jesse Wilesee's flashmob

Hey Ladies
I come with many appolgies stuffed in my pockets along with the free candy you get in fancy restaurants. i have been busy feeling sorry for my self and figuring out what i plan to do this year alot of time was waisted. However in the last few weeks i have peeeled off my pajams and jumped into autumn with alot of enthusiasm! I have been getting my bee on and i thought i would share with you a shoot i did recently with this awesome new artest Jesse Willesee. This guy has been shaking up the art world and this time i got to help! For those of you who do not know who Mr Wilesee here's a little insight into his talents. Sticking out like a sore thumb with his contraversial aproach to art, he has got the art world and grimmy hipsters chins wagging about his style.

I however was lucky enough to be enlisted as make up artist for his promotonal video and flyer for his up coming event. Jesse picked me up along with a few of his friends slash photographers and escorted me to the car. Polite and effortlessly cool conversation was made between his friends as i sat excitedly in the passangers seat. The setting, a hotel room above a pub in Bondi. Beers and smokes were passed around and the vibe was extremely relaxed. Once my model had arrivived i sat her down and began the task of turning this beautiful girl into a sycadelic "sea punk".

The boys were extremely patient while i worked through my palet of colours delighted i finally got to use oceanic blues that i could never pull off. A couple of hours later and Nahals face was done, the cameras put away and the adrenalin was wearing off. All was left was a satisfied glow on all our faces. And here is the end result.
And the very awesome video

I hope you enjoyed reading my adventure and i shall check in soon. peace x

If you would like to find out more about Jesse check out his website:

Thursday 18 October 2012

Falling in love

Beanie: C&A Peso $150 Dollar $11
Mac Russian Red
So as you may know, the leaves are beginning to fall, and the cold is beginning to creep in. As i only have a few days left to enjoy this season before i am thrown into the baking temperatures of Aussie spring, i wanted to share with you a few accessories i wish i could wear longer! The mustache trend has been taking over, with necklaces, earrings, rings, tops and shorts featuring the "hipster flag". I find they are incredibly cute in small doses of course!
Shasa: Peso $29 Dollar $2!
Shasa: Peso- $89 Dollar- $6.60
The other thing i have been loving is the beanie is perfect to keep your head warm and looks very cute, i have been addicted to these hats since i found out the name! and i am pleased to add this gray one into my growing collection. As for the lips, the classic Mac shade Russian Red is perfect for the start of autumn and winter. Bringing a bright and bold aspect to a basic outfit.

As its coming to the end of my six months here, i have found i have changed ever so much, i am scared the people who used to know me will not be able to except the new me. I guess i will find out when i return home. However the song featured above en-captures how i am feeling in this moment. Heart break, the pain i have experienced in these short six months and the "sweet memories".

BeanQueen xxx

Tuesday 25 September 2012

10 things that make me smile

Hello, sorry i have been ever so distracted with life. Working from my ipad is no good. I thought to finish my blogs on guadalajara however, i didnt feel inlove with the idea anymore. I think im going to stop blogging the things i think i should be blogging and start blogging about what i feel like. 

I wanted to make a list of all the weird things i secretely love to do. Things that until i sat down and really thought about it make me happy in weird and unexplainable ways. 

1. Walking very quickly in a crowded place weaving in out of people to get to where im going faster than everyone else. 
2. Getting into a warm car on a hot day and letting it pull me into drowsyness. 
3. Being so intimidated by someone i cant talk.
4. The crust on apple pie
5. Coming up with the perfect answer to a question 
6. Watching people, most of all the elderly lady named Lupita who works for my grandmother. Shes been with put family for over 30 years i believe and she is exceptionally fascinating. 
7. Taking a hot shower after swimming in cold water or being in the rain.
8. Never being able to remember what i look like and always being surprised when i look in the mirrior 
9. How the bus vibrates your head if you lean it on the window
10.  Sitting alone in public places and the awkwardness i feel. 

Thats my list, its very odd i know but i didn't ever notice how these things made me felt until now and i wanted to share. Let me know your top 10 things that make you happy with out you noticing. :) i hope you enjoyed this. Check out my channel on youtube : BeanQueen17 thanks for reading! Xxxx

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Road trip day 2 part 2

Hello there so i have had a fun filled day! First of all we went back to Parque Agua Azul where we explored the butterfly observatory and the bird house which was cool and then we had a look at some more birds that were kept separate, such as parotes and weird looking breeds including a tucan! So cool! I havent felt that tranquil in a long time and i would recommend going there if you have kids or are a bit of a kid yourself! once we had explored everything we, went and checked out a small market near by. it was filled with bits and bobs, little trinkets and what nots, claiming to be vintage with hefty price tags for such little objects. It was cool though, they even had people selling old shot guns ha, only in mexico! While walking around we were stopped by a man selling tijuino, Eme bought one and encouraged me to try it, i was slightly put off by his aggressive method of combining the ingrediance, but i looked past it and tried this salty sweet drink and was delicious! Made up of lime sorbet, salt, lime juice and a mix of corn dough, sugar and boiling water which is then left to ferment slightly. Its ever so refreshing! And that day it was extremely hot so it was a welcomed treat. We then went back to the apartment for a rest as we are lazy people who were a little hung over from the night before. We then went out and met up with nacho again where we had a few beers and an early night! While we chatting though the idea to go to sayulita came up, i jumped at the chance to travel more so eme agreed we would leave his car behind and head off to sayulita the day after tomorrow! 

Road trip day 2!

Goood Morning! Boy did i have fun yesterday evening/night! 
Sooo after i shut off from you guys i popped my comfy shoes on and we headed of to the temple, after getting so lost we finally found it, we realized we must of had our head in then clouds because it was hard to miss hahah, it was extremely stunning, big archways and beautiful stain glass windows.  

Eme in front of said temple
We followed the temple with a sneak peek at Parque Agua Azul however it was closing and so most of the interesting stuff was locked up! However i would like to say a big thanks to the security gard who snuck us in after closing so we could get the jist! It looked very cool so we agreed to return today. After our little adventure around the the city we got ready to go on out! I met up with Natcho at the black sheep, very cool bar by the way, its in this cute little square with fairie lights on the outside and a campy feel to the tables that sit under shelter, their pizzas are made in a log oven so i enjoyed the smokey scent of the wood burning while i gulped down fairly priced beer. It was good to see Nacho again, he hadnt changed a bit except instead of his hair being the fuzzy afro i remembered it had been slicked and styled so the curles sat neatly on his head. We talked alot about the last two and a half years and he enthusiastically gave me the download on how his band is going. They are doing pretty well,  at the moment and are on the verge of a record deal with a mexican label. Though most of their songs are in spanish a few are in english so if your interested go check them out their name is Barston, their genre is pop/rock and i think they are pretty grovayyyy.
Barston, Nacho is the one in black haha!

 Any way after a couple of beers we bounced and headed to an underground bar/club that Eme's friend took us to called UV, if your in the area and you like electro and minimal music you will love it. Filled with hipster types and cool wall art the place is pretty chilled and has a good vibe. I thought the boys how to dance and had a jolly old time giggling at Nachos lack of rhythm.  

Us at UV arent i cool? left to right: Me, Eme, Pacco, Nacho

At around  one thirty we decided it was time to move on so Pacco, Emes friend led us to another club, the lines were long but it wasnt too hard for us to get in, i can't remember the name unfortunately but the interior was pretty cool, fashioned like an old english pub but had hardly any where to sit meaning it had a massive dance floor that was packed with fancy arty types and guys wearing paisley shirts. It was cool, but it was getting late and i wasnt feeling the atmosphere so after an hour or so i decided it was home time as i was nackered. Stumbling in at three thirty i crashed hard and got a rough sleep. After i have got some food in me and had a chance to explore i will check in with my thoughts on the day so far.  

Thursday 23 August 2012

Road Trip!

Hey guys, i know i have been absent for a long time , but im going to do my best to keep you updated. Its been crazy here, alot of adventures and meeting new people. I am currently riding the high way to Guadalajara Mexico from Aguascalientes with my friend Eme. I made a spontaneous decision to go somewhere and asked if he would accompany me. I am extremely excited as i have never visited Guadalajara before. My friends say its one of the coolest places to visit and i cant wait to explore the unknown! Eme has only been for skating and filming so he is equally as clueless as me on the best places to go party, eat and see. I will be sure to document my trip and supply lots of photos of my cute friend and i! Its been beautiful weather and so the trip isnt too uncomfortable plus we over loaded the car with snacks and drinks to keep our tummies occupied! Unfortunately Mexican radio is sooo not upto scratch so i keep finding myself jumping from station trying to find some sort of channel that can supply me with some groovy beats but unfortunately all i can currently find is jumpy mexican tunes that unfortunately i dislike alot! So i am forced to listen to Emes cds filled with trans music and bad rap hahahaha its got me feeling gangsta though hehehe. We should be arriving soon! Update you then!   

Oh i am ever so excitable at the moment! So we have arrived to Eme's cousins apartment that she has kindly lent us while she is away and we are organizing our evening/night im a little sleepy as the trip is roughly 3 hours from Aguascalientes to Guadalajara plus unfortunately neither Eme and i have a sense of direction so it took us about an hour to find the apartment! Regardless im still keen to put my party shoes on as its a saturday and i hear the partay scene here is amazing! I am also very keen to meet up with an old friend of mine. I met him in Porta Vallara Mexico almost two and a half years ago, we had alot of fun! (not in that way though ooohhh errr) and i haven't seen him since! We have arranged to meet a pub called the black sheep close to Chapu which is kind of the center of the bars and what not! So im looking forward to that. But before i distroy my brain cells with alcohol we plan to go check out a very gothic looking temple called El Templo Expiatorio and then this big park called Parque Agua Azul! Apparently its beautiful, but its going to be interesting trying to find them hahaha, plus the temperature is rising here and im sure my face might melt off at any minute! I plan to do a tutorial on my everyday look while traveling as realistically i cant be slapping on a full face in this heat unless i want to look like a sad clown at the end of the day ha. Let me know if that is something you would like to see as i know its not everyones cup of tea! Ha that ryhmed... Im awesome :) catch up with you later! 

Wednesday 25 July 2012


Heyyyy guys so i have been absent for ever so long and i am sooooo sorry! Im in the process of collecting video footage and photos! However i have no camera! Shocking i know, so i am doing my best! I am currently staying in a hostel in down town aguascalientes. Its very cool and i have my own room plus the place turns into a bar at night, very chilled.