Friday, 12 April 2013

Photo Shoot Jesse Wilesee's flashmob

Hey Ladies
I come with many appolgies stuffed in my pockets along with the free candy you get in fancy restaurants. i have been busy feeling sorry for my self and figuring out what i plan to do this year alot of time was waisted. However in the last few weeks i have peeeled off my pajams and jumped into autumn with alot of enthusiasm! I have been getting my bee on and i thought i would share with you a shoot i did recently with this awesome new artest Jesse Willesee. This guy has been shaking up the art world and this time i got to help! For those of you who do not know who Mr Wilesee here's a little insight into his talents. Sticking out like a sore thumb with his contraversial aproach to art, he has got the art world and grimmy hipsters chins wagging about his style.

I however was lucky enough to be enlisted as make up artist for his promotonal video and flyer for his up coming event. Jesse picked me up along with a few of his friends slash photographers and escorted me to the car. Polite and effortlessly cool conversation was made between his friends as i sat excitedly in the passangers seat. The setting, a hotel room above a pub in Bondi. Beers and smokes were passed around and the vibe was extremely relaxed. Once my model had arrivived i sat her down and began the task of turning this beautiful girl into a sycadelic "sea punk".

The boys were extremely patient while i worked through my palet of colours delighted i finally got to use oceanic blues that i could never pull off. A couple of hours later and Nahals face was done, the cameras put away and the adrenalin was wearing off. All was left was a satisfied glow on all our faces. And here is the end result.
And the very awesome video

I hope you enjoyed reading my adventure and i shall check in soon. peace x

If you would like to find out more about Jesse check out his website: